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Zagat Survey

Since 1979 Zagat Survey has been the go-to guide for reviews and ratings on restaurants, night spots, travel and leisure activities. Their mission is, “To be the most trusted, useful, up-to-date, fun-to-read source for quality dining, travel and leisure activities, enabling savvy customers to share their experiences, make smart decisions and take action.” Using our coupon code to get a disount on membership is another smart decision! Always based on consumer opinions, not just a few critics, Zagat guides are considered a 'dining bible' by many. Still available in the well known printed guide format, they're invaluable. Now also available on their website, from any computer or smart phone or via the "Zagat Buzz" newsletter. Use our coupon code to get a discount on membership and put what the Associated Press calls "The world's most influential travel and food guide" to work for you!

Click here to visit the Zagat Survey website.

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Coupons and Codes for Zagat Survey