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Jackson and Perkins

Jackson and Perkins features the largest collection of roses available on the Internet. At Jackson and Perkins you will find all of the following types of roses: hybrid teas, floribunda, tree roses, landscaping tree roses, groundcovers, miniature roses, and English roses. Jackson and Perkins was founded over 130 years ago in 1872 in Newark, N.Y.; they now operate out of a 5,000 acre facility in the rich farmlands outside of Bakersfield, CA. Jackson and Perkins also features: outdoor furniture, birdhouses and birdbaths, gardening containers, outdoor rugs, lighting, bulbs, perennials, gardening tools, furniture covers, wind and weather gauges, birdfeeders, gazebos, pergolas, trellises, and begonias.

Click here to visit the Jackson and Perkins website.

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